Terms & Conditions

  •  Applying to become Franchise an individual or Firm applying to become an independent Franchise (Applicant) must. 
  • Must be sponsored by Holding Hands owners or Holding Hands Franchise Members. 
  • Fill out and submit the Registration Form after reading each rule and agreement and 
  • Have application accept by Holding Hands. 
  • Registrations on purchase requirements. Applicant have to fulfill registration form and first order form it should be according to Holding Hands’ norms (means Holding Hands can restrict or change Franchise order amount anytime. { Now a day’s 1000Rs}) 
  • One Franchise permitted per person. A single individual may own, operate and support only one Franchise. His / Her parents will not be nominees of the franchise holder. In case of married individual they can work with same franchise his / her can have individual nominees will not be entertained with this franchise. 
  • Franchise must provide active e-mail address and a phone number for communication. All documents submitted to Holding Hands must be clear, truthful and submitted in timely manner. 
  • Holding Hands franchise will purchase The EnQ products through Holding Hands Only. Then only they will be eligible for Commission and Royalty. Note: - Only Order placed through Holding Hands will be count to qualify any Promotions or qualifications declared by Holding Hands. 
  • All products must be delivered within a reasonable amount of time after sale. 
  • Franchise must ensure that all payments submitted to Holding Hands are authorized and sufficiently funded. Franchise may not use credit cards, personal cheques or any other from their sub franchisees, retail customers or other individuals to pay for order purchase from Holding Hands. 
  • Franchise and sub Franchise holder are financially liable for payments that are rejected for any reason. 
  • Holding Hands may Restrict an individuals or firms, Franchise, Sub franchise buying privileges for violations of this rules and make earnings adjustments to settle disputed changes or to achieve any promotions or qualifications 
  • Holding Hands will not accept payment in cheque.